Please note: sorry - we are fully booked.
The Wahner Heide is a nature reserve close to Cologne/Bonn airport. It has been used for decades as a military training ground, so its many different, valuable biotopes like sands and heathlands, floodplain forests and peatbogs remained untouched by housing and agriculture.
Besides its importance as a preeding area for rare and protected birds, reptiles, amphibians and rare insects the Wahner Heide is famous for its rare plants, among them some carnivores.
The guided tour through the reserve lasts 2 1/2 hours and takes us to one of the last locations of Aldrovanda vesiculosa in Germany. Furthermore, we will visit the Drosera (D. rotundifolia, D.
intermedia) and Utricularia (U. australis) locations there.
Many interesting other non-carnivorous plants like the bog asphodel (Narthecium ossifragum), rare orchids (like Dactylorhiza sphagnicola or D. × wiefelspuetziana) or the Old World Royal fern (Osmunda regalis) are to be found in the area as well.
Our guide is an expert of this area and leads excursions through the Wahner Heide for many years. He will show us the most interesting spots and give us some profund information - as a native
English speaker as well in English as in German.
Meeting point will be the entrance of the botanical garden in front of the Poppelsdorfer Schloss, Meckenheimer Allee 171, 53115 Bonn, at 08:45 Uhr.
A bus will take us to the reserve and bring us back to the botanical garden in time for the following conference program at about 12:30 pm.
Costs for bus transfer and the guided tour will be 10,00€. Please register on the EEE homepage.
Finally, here some video impressions - hope to meet you there!
(c) Dirk Frangenberg,